Catégorie industriel:
Peinture, équipement et fournitures
Sous catégorie industriel:
Peintures et apprêts à pulvériser
Base Name or Package Color:
Calculated Dry Time to Touch:
12 minute - 30 minute @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
Calculated Recoat Time:
Anytime @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
Is Paint And Primer In One:
United Nation Regulatory ID:
- Dries to touch in 8 minutes
- Hard, protective, durable finish
- High-gloss finish
- No recoat window, recoat anytime
These paints are specifically formulated for industrial maintenance and touch-up applications. Performance is exceptional, and the broad selection includes interior/exterior acrylic lacquers, primers, and specialty paints. Acryli-Quik aerosols provide all of the excellent characteristics that customers have come to expect from our brand. We offer high solids, fast-drying times and an excellent appearance. No Runs, No Drips, No Errors!