Catégorie industriel:
Peinture, équipement et fournitures
Sous catégorie industriel:
Peintures et teintures pour l'extérieur
Base Name or Package Color:
Calculated Dry Time to Touch:
2 hour - 8 hour @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
Calculated Recoat Time:
8 hour @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
United Nation Regulatory ID:
- Chemical and abrasion resistant
- High solids, high build
- Meets or exceeds the performance requirements of SSPC Paint Spec 22
- Provides adequate protection of sharp edges, corners, and welds
This high-solids, fast-drying formula with less than 100 g/l ensures protection of sharp edges, corners and welds. It is chemical and abrasion resistant to allow for direct application on marginally prepared steel surfaces.