Catégorie industriel:
Peinture, équipement et fournitures
Sous catégorie industriel:
Peintures et teintures pour l'extérieur
Base Name or Package Color:
Calculated Dry Time to Touch:
3 hour - 16 hour @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
Calculated Recoat Time:
16 hour @ 77 °F 50 % Humidity
United Nation Regulatory ID:
- Chemical and abrasion resistant
- Excellent adhesion
- Interior/Exterior use
- Safe for incidental food contact
Palgard Epoxy is an interior/exterior, twocomponent polyamide-cured epoxy that protects steel and concrete in industrial environments. Formulated for use on interior and exterior surfaces of steel, iron, aluminum, galvanized metal, concrete block and masonry.