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Fleet and Vehicle Maintenance
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- Durable: Engineered from Anodized Aluminum
- Innovative: Maintains the integrity of the removed fuel injector
- Precise: Precision fit for 100% energy transformation
- USA: Made entirely in the USA
The ProMAXX PowerPull Ford EcoBoost 3.5 Adapter PMXPWA110: Compatible with Ford Injector Part #: HL3Z9F593-A (2017-2021 Ford F-150 & Lincoln Navigator) is precision-engineered out of solid anodized aluminum to encase the injector and to handle more pulling power. This greatly reduces damage compared to other pullers, increasing effectiveness, and boosting productivity. Fuel injector pullers currently in the market to serve 3.5L Ford EcoBoost engines involve two steel tines incorporating a slip ring to pinch the fuel injector at two contact points approximately 180 degrees apart. In practice, this approach can work for those injectors that are relatively new and easy to remove. However, this approach has two issues. First, the surface area of the steel tine is very small, thereby increasing the amount of force into a tiny area and increasing the risk of damaging the plastic ring on the fuel injector. Once damaged, the injector must be replaced. ProMAXX Toolâ??s Fuel Injector Puller Adapters work on a varietof engines including Ford, Lincoln, Mercury & Mazda. ProMAXX 3.5 Adapter PMXPWA110: Compatible with Ford Injector Part #: HL3Z9F593-A (2017-2021 Ford F-150 & Lincoln Navigator.