Industrial Category:
Fleet and Vehicle Maintenance
Industrial Subcategory:
Automotive Maintenance Tools
Industrial Subtype:
Automotive Specialized Tools
Minimum Order Quantity UOM:
- Handles high RPM, up to 25,000
- Precision Machined in the USA
- Solid Carbide for free machining applications
1/8" x 3" Double End W/ Reamer. Designed to be used free hand to remove broken screw extractors, taps, bolts etc... One end can be used as a drill, with the other end as a reamer for various applications. Solid Carbide and high RPM capability up to and including 25000 RPM. The rescue bit is a good tool to have on hand for those rare circumstances where a broken tap can elongate the time of a repair. The unique reamer end allows for free hand machining for flattening of the tap for removal. The drilling end can be used to drill through completely through the tap once it has been machined flat.