Thick materials demand high leverage cutting in a comfortable handle. Select the OLFA 25mm EH-1 Extra Heavy-Duty Utility Knife for all your cutting needs. This durable ABS body knife withstands tough job site conditions. It provides powerful cutting with all-day comfort.
A ratchet-lock dial secures the preloaded HB Extra Heavy-Duty Silver Blade. Adjust the blade to any depth and lock it into place with a quick turn of the dial. A solid stainless-steel channel supports the length of the blade to cut through materials with confidence.
Fits all OLFA 25mm blades including HBB Ultra-Black Snap Blades, HH Hook Snap Blades, and HSW Saw Blade.
Cuts cardboard/corrugate, carpet, cement board, drywall, flexible plastics, gaskets, house wrap, landscape fabrics, linoleum, plastic sheeting, plastic straps, shingles, shrink wrap, tape, twine/rope, and more.