Industrial Category:
Fleet and Vehicle Maintenance
Catégorie industriel:
Entretien de la flottes et véhicules
Sous catégorie industriel:
Applications: Repair cracked or broken aluminum, steel, brass or bronze castings, stampings and machined parts such as cracked transmission cases, intake manifolds, blocks, split stampings and other similar applications.
Manufactured By:
- Can be drilled, machined, filed, painted
- Fast setting, 2-part adhesive and filler systems used as an alternative to welding or brazing cracked or broken metal parts
- Over 3,000 PSI shear strength
- Resists automotive and shop fluids
- Sets in 15 minutes
- Temperature range: -51°C to 150°C (-60°F to 300°F)
A 15-minute, two-part adhesive and filler system that eliminates the need for welding or brazing. It repairs, fills and bonds to iron, steel, brass, bronze, aluminum and copper. Once cured, it can be drilled, tapped, threaded, filed, sanded and painted. Resists most automotive, shop and cleaning fluids. Withstands temperatures to 300°F intermittent. Over 3,000 PSI shear strength on steel.